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8 Ways to Guarantee an Exciting Bali Wedding Event

Your wedding day is the happiest, most important day of your life. Everyone should be happy to celebrate with you. Right? The truth is that if you don’t plan properly, your guests may not enjoy your Bali wedding event as much as they should. 

Here are 8 tips to help you make sure your Bali wedding event isn’t boring.

1. Make introductions

Weddings bring together different families and friend groups. That is, a groups of people who don’t know each other and might not have much to talk about. If the conversation dries up, so does the atmosphere in your Bali wedding event, so you should do your best to help everyone get to know each other. 

New friends who have just gotten to know each other will keep the conversation going themselves, setting the right mood for the day. Great conversation and the sounds of laughter are the hallmarks of an exciting wedding.

2. Keep Things Moving

Your guests will probably enjoy all the events you have planned for them, but there’s one thing they’re almost sure not to enjoy: Waiting! It’s crucial to stick to the schedule so nobody is standing around long waiting for something to happen.

If you’re going to take formal photos as the guests wait, consider setting up a lounge with snacks and music where guests can mingle instead of just having to awkwardly stand there.

3. Limit Speeches

Although everyone may have well wishes and words of encouragement to say, your wedding day is not just a day for speeches. Too many speeches will make the day tedious and soon your guests will be taking glances at their watches.

You should especially make sure to avoid speeches right before mealtimes! Nobody wants to listen to a speech when they’re hungry. In your Bali wedding event, you should aim to keep speeches short, rare, and well-timed.


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4. Don’t Let Guests Stay Hungry

Whether you plan on serving lunch or dinner at the reception, it’s always good to have refreshments available to your guests as they’re waiting. That way, you can be sure everyone is high-energy and in a good mood at your Bali wedding event. 

Looking for ideas for refreshments? Depending on what kind of catering you decide on, some of the items you can consider serving include cheese balls, macaroni, and vegetable skewers.

5. Work on the seating chart

You should always aim to have your guests sit with people they know and like to help keep conversations going. For instance, when you have friends you went to high school with sit at one table together, you can be sure they’ll be comfortable around each other and light up the day with lots of fun and laughter.

On the other hand, avoid leaving out your guests! If you have a couple sit at a table with a group of people they don’t know then they’ll probably be bored and feel left out.

6. Take the Venue Into Account

Although the choice of venue for your wedding is largely determined by your budget, you need to keep in mind that the venue will determine the atmosphere of your Bali wedding event.

If you can’t afford a beautiful location for your venue with your budget, consider sprucing up your venue with dramatic décor as well as specialty entertainment.

7. Have an Exit Strategy for Your Guests

Oftentimes, guests plan to leave the reception early to be able to get home safely. If you arrange transportation for your guests after the reception, they’re more likely to stick around and have fun for the whole night. The longer your guests are enjoying themselves, the more memorable your Bali wedding event is!

Another option is having your reception in a hotel and book rooms for your guests ahead of time so they don’t have to worry about how they will get home.

8. Think Beyond the Cake

While the wedding cake is a staple for just about every wedding, you can expand the selection to cater to guests who have a sweet tooth. Consider an expanded dessert bar with items such as truffles, fruit platters, candies, and cupcakes.

To leave your guests with fond memories of your Bali wedding event, you could serve snacks at your dessert bar that your guests can take with them on the road home. 

Bonus Tip: Get a Bali Wedding Planner

Having to find a venue, handle food, entertainment, photography, and having to handle all the tiny details that make a wedding perfect is tough without a wedding planner helping you along. 

If you’re looking for a Bali wedding planner with over a decade of experience in the business, contact us today! We handle all kinds of weddings and budgets and look forward to making your Bali wedding event a success.